Stories in Rogues – “Bent Twig” by Joe R. Lansdale

If I haven’t mentioned this yet, I’m listening to the audio book Rogues. There is a different reader for each story, and if you don’t have much experience with audio books, let me tell you this: the reader can break the book, or elevate it to heights even beyond your own imagination. It’s a really incredible way to consume books (I still thoroughly enjoy holding a physical book though, don’t get me wrong). So after the impressive titles for Lansdale, and the brief description of the story to come, I was excited to read about this rescue tale set in modern-day Texas. 

When the story started, and the reader’s deep voice colored with a feint southern twang blended perfectly with Hap’s (the main character) wit and sarcasm, I knew right away I was going to like this story.

And I didn’t just like it — I loved it. So far, it’s probably my favorite one. The writing is rock-solid, told in the first person, and the pacing engages you and won’t let you go. For instance, I typically listen while commuting. And that’s it. I don’t listen during other times of the day, because that’s when I’m reading traditional books. But not this story. I had to see what was going to happen! So I listened for a bit while laying in bed. Chuckling, smiling, even cringing (some brutal shit in here, really). I probably looked a damn fool! But I didn’t care (thankfully the wife was sleeping in the little one’s room that night).

Don’t skip this one. You’ll love it. The plot’s not overly intelligent, no big twists, just a straight-up fun and exciting ride with Hap and his awesome partner, Leonard. Enjoy!





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